Sunday, May 8, 2011

"I Made You From Scratch."

I love that phrase. "I made you from scratch." The genetic makeup, the partnership of your parents, the unbearable childbirth you'll always be gently teased about and the years that have followed are the reason we are all here today. I've been told and I have no doubt myself that the bond and the love that comes with motherhood is the most powerful emotion in the world.

It's often easy to disregard this powerful part of life in our day to day occurrences, and perhaps if I never bear a child I will never understand the feeling completely. What I know is that I've inherited my mum's bubbly personality, her poem writing for friends, her loyalty and most of all, her strength. My mum is a fighter and does not allow problems (especially her health problems) to get in her way, or fights through the pain with her smile and ability to be strong.

I've been lucky to have an amazing mum, along with an amazing dad that have made sure our family has been always looked after and given the opportunities they've deemed my brother and I deserve. We have moved about, but always with the family's best interests at heart and the hope that by migrating they have sealed our success in the future along with providing a happier and more fulfilling life now. Aside from the lovely home we live in, the

In the last month especially I've had to rely on both my parents more than I would have anticipated. When faced with a difficult decision to make they made no effort to sway me but promised to support whatever I chose. They've helped me feel so much better and especially safe in what I would probably describe as the worst few weeks of my life, and I know that my ability to not let this destroy me has been helped by them.

So on Mother's Day I'm saying the things that making you a coffee or picking you up or cleaning my room all add up to - that I love you, very much, and although I'm grown up now I'll always be your poppet. x

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