Mr Gray,
my understanding is that your role as MP for the Brand electorate region is to represent the citizens and the citizen's best interests within our voting region. From the internet based petition that Stacey Malacari and Aimee McDonald have produced in aid to show you a difference in opinion between yourself and the voters within your voting region, I feel disappointed to be living in an area with such a close minded person representing our district.
As far as I can gather, supporting two people who are in love who wish to formalise their commitment to one another through a traditional ceremony is going to do no harm to any other citizens.
We are not exposed to any couple's intimate relations nor asked to switch sexual preferences. The gay community do not wish us to convert to something we are not in order to support them; they're simply asking to be accepted for who they were born to be. If God exists, He has created each and every person to be a certain way, and as residents in Australia we are taught of equality and basic human rights. How can we deem what is appropriate in regards to the way in which a couple express their commitment to one another, regardless of their sexes?
Obviously being born into different generations has left your and my perception of the world to be rendered differently; but as a representative of not just your own generation but the ones before and after your own, should surely broaden your scope of political views and ideologies.
The Marriage Act was created in 1961 - Indigenous Australians were given the right to vote in 1967. Australians have accepted that laws, beliefs, politics and social discourses can change over time, and as someone who works within politics you should readily accept this notion.
Perhaps some way along the time line of Australian history there will be a national "Sorry Day" for gay people just like as the Indigenous people rightfully received.
We are created to live in harmony upon this land; whether God created us, biology or other powers unknown to us. We may all be tiny parts of this world, but together our beliefs for basic and well deserved equal rights will be the foundations for changing these backwards laws.
To use Nick Cave's words: "You're one microscopic cog in His catastrophic plan," Mr Gray.
We will win this one day.
Yours sincerely,
Abby Hutchinson.
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