There are many crimes that go unpunished. Many victims are simply too afraid to report crimes, or feel too traumatised to relive their experience through the beady eyes of the jury. Too many criminals walk free; without a conscience and with the arrogant confidence they can do it again, and walk free once more.
In this world, justice requires more than conviction, but cold hard evidence. Evidence can be trampled on, witnesses can be tainted by moral obligations. We live in a world dominated by money, policies and structured control as to how to handle situations. Time and honesty is crucial to uncovering the truth. More crimes would be solved if people were not bound by love and loyalty; more criminals would be locked away should their lovers and friends not protect them.
This is not to say that those who do not report crimes are not brave. Living with a crime is like living with an illness; it seeps into your well being, distorts your thoughts and blocks you from sleeping. Like an illness, you have to fight its effects and hope it will fade away to a distant memory. It has the everlasting fear that it will creep back up to attack once more.
Crimes so often lack the evidence needed for punishment. The state doesn't want to waste money on only the chance of a favourable verdict. Victim's bravery can seem redundant at times, but every crime reported holds value.
We have to have faith that the more crimes reported, the more criminals are given what they deserve. We have to hope that our bravery prevents further acts of crime that are so damaging and destructing.
So this is a plea. If you are a victim of crime, or know of a crime, report it.
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