Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thursday Morning Blues...

False Status

What's on your mind?
Heartbreak, breakups,
Down that drink,
I don't want to think
About you
Anymore -
These thoughts
Spluttered on a webpage
Left in lyrics,
Quick quips,
Never let it
Reveal what is actually true,
They can't understand,
How I miss you.

Too Late

Grab his keys
And say goodbye -
Watch him go,
She won't cry
No change, too late,
Does he care?
And here I stand,
Wedged between
Different eras of perception,
Defeated, already,
Before taking sides,
Who will fight
For this love?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Guide to Facebook - Your New Best Friend.

Feeling Lonely?

Join Facebook!

Half a billion opportunities to find friends!

Listen to what Facebook workers and users have to say about how their life fulfilment has quadrupled since their profile has been activated!

Feeling Left Out?

You’re living within the 21st century, the digital era, the time when technology has become a fundamental part of social communication and growth. You don’t own a computer. You refuse to purchase a computer, or to use one at the public library. You detest the idea of school’s introducing them to students from a young age.
What is wrong with you?!

Your life is mundane. No, seriously, it is.

You’re always feeling lonely. The people you know, if you could really call them friends, hardly get in contact with you. It’s your fault really. You don’t have a mobile phone. You miss out on texting, calling, chain emails that gets sent around the world. They are forgotten after they are read, but they mattered. For a second. Your phone drums against the table, the message tone kisses your ears. You are loved. Someone is reaching for you.

But not you, of course. You don’t have a phone, or a Facebook, or any logical manner of retaining friendships and lovers. You’re excluding yourself from love.
You can better yourself. You can enhance your life to the maximum potential, and live like your neighbours and colleagues. You can be as happy as them. Let yourself.

The Solution

It’s easy, really. First of all, gain access to the internet and get yourself acquainted with the World Wide Web. Think of all the possibilities. They are infinite, endless. The information era will sweep you into a search engine speed hurricane of the future. A bombardment of information. What could be better? There will be so much for you to speak about, engage within, dream about. You will be part of it all; connected. You will finally find yourself within a network, put your mark upon the world and remain forever. You’ll settle for eternity in your piece of cyberspace. Graveyards, work, art and other human mementos won’t record your existence. They are merely memories and landmarks that will dissolve over time. This is your only chance to be stored into the hard-drive of the universe. Don’t miss your chance.

Following are some instructions for how to put your life in order. We are here to help you get onto the social network bandwagon, and bring yourself into the new millennium of cultural change. Otherwise, you’ll be as useless as a temporary internet file to potential friends and loved ones.

The Wonderful World of Facebook

I work for the wonderful and life changing social networking site of Facebook. And here’s how I, along with the rest of the wonderful staff and creator of Facebook can help you.

It’s all thanks to you, Mark Zuckerberg. His creation of Facebook to bring Harvard Students into a web network has grown into the biggest social networking side on the planet. He has quite literally enabled people from every continent to coincide together. We can monitor what our friends in every timezone are doing at this very minute. Our lives have never before been so fulfilling.
Facebook is first and foremost, your best friend. Maybe you could see it as your family; it will definitely be always there for you. It is there only for you and the benefit of bringing you closer to people around the world. Facebook wants to include you in a rapidly growing international network of users that is growing at this very second. We are offering you boundless opportunities to mingle and
The way it works is based on a simple idea that friends want to be able to keep in touch, have online chats, view each other’s photos and be invited to cyber-events.

Customising Your Facebook Profile (Photo Albums and Information)

Now, your profile. This is your money maker. You want to attract friends, so don’t begin with scary photos. Something friendly for a profile pic. Win them over with your smile. Keep your status updates witty. Update often. Let your new found friends get a sense of your real personality. Your information page is extremely useful in sharing your interests, activities, political preferences, sexual preferences and religious beliefs. List your favourite bands and films. What do you like to do in your spare time? Write it down. Where do you work? Link it up. Do you study? What do you study? Add it under your educational achievements. Already your friends have got a genuine sense of the person you are.

Add some photos, or even better, albums to narrate the exciting life you’ve led. If you haven’t been on holiday recently, or been doing much, no worries! Snap a few shots of yourself in the bathroom! Get your friends to add a few comments, and you’ll be on the road to a successful Facebook page.

Friend Request

Moving onto friend requests. Request! It’s so simple. We are deleting the awkwardness of first meetings, diminishing the direness of the first impression. No longer are there stunted silences or blanks. If you want to write on someone’s wall, you can. If you’d rather retain a silent kind of friendship, don’t! They’ll appear on your Newsfeed, you’ll learn of their current occurrences, but you’ve had to make no effort to find this out personally. Think of how much time you will save! Check out your new friends profile. Do you have similar interests? Hobbies? Sign up to the same fan pages? Maybe it’s right to throw this friend a comment! You’ve made a match! And Facebook has helped.

This is a first impression we can support.

Friend Suggestions

Friend suggestions! This program has captivated Facebook users around the world. No longer do you have to physically search for potential friends, rack your brains for their names or go through the piles of profiles of people with the same name. Facebook has looked at yours and an individual’s mutual friends, and placed a suggestion to befriend each other upon your homepage. How thoughtful! Now, if either of you send a friend request, your network of people is only growing further and further, which means, more matches for even more friends will fast be appearing on your homepage!

Facebook Advertisments

Advertisements. Facebook has looked at your profile, the pages you have “liked”, and the groups you have joined and figured out what you’ll be interested in buying. How generous and kind of them. They’ve done your job for you. No more fearful hours in supermarkets with a burning hole in your pocket searching for the perfect purchase. Instead, at the corner of your eye, it is done. It is there. A range of products to suit your needs and desires. What do you desire? Has Facebook got it right? I’ll bet on it.

How lovely of them.


Your new application: places! With the click of a button, nifty GPS technology will locate your very geographical spot and post it right onto your Facebook wall and newsfeed. Now your friends will always know where you are, for those times when they want to swing by and quite literally say “hi!”

Games and Applications

Sure, you could read a book, go to the cinema, watch a play or kick about a football on a field. But why would you?! When you can do all of this from the comfort of your own study. Facebook has created and supported games and applications to tailor your very desires. Fancy yourself as a hardcore gangsta? Jump onto Mafia Wars. Want to do shear some sheep? Connect to Farmville. Want to tantalise yourself with fun trivia, such as, what’s your favourite sex position? Do a quiz! These applications and games are accurate and designed for your pleasures. Your web ring of friends is growing, your success in the gaming world is celebrated on your wall. Congratulations!

Sign Up Now

What are you waiting for?! It’s time for you to make a change and connect yourself to the real world! Sign up to Facebook immediately. Send out your requests for friends. Add your interests, list your jobs and studies, play some games! Join some fan pages and go crazy with some fun quizzes. In no time you’ll have set yourself up on the everlasting lifespan of cyberspace, and your life has never before seemed more fulfilling.

You can thank us later.